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Bella & Lilly, 2010

Bella & Lilly

2010, Oil on Canvas, 18in x 24in

Returned to me after my beloved grandmother passed away in 2014, Bella & Lilly, 2010 will forever be dedicated to Grandma Mary…

Who nurtured and treasured me from birth to adulthood…

Who had a passion for giving gifts…

Who was never ashamed to use as much real butter or sugar as the recipe called for…

Who would rather be cold than hot at all times of the year…

Who looked forward to catalogues and junk mail…

Who cherished Thanksgiving above all other holidays…

Who loved goldfish and hated cats…

Who ate crackers with butter, strawberries with sugar, and an occasional Burger King Whopper…

Who secretly valued days when her grandchildren would stay home from school sick so that she could come over and care for us…

Who was always our biggest fan from the comfort of her living room…

Who loved her family above all else…

Grams, you truly loved so well. I pray that I will see you again lavished in the eternal love of God.

I love you.

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